Tag: vegetarian

Lettuce wrap revisited

  Have you watched the new Spider-man movie? It’s called Spider Man – Homecoming. It’s a fresh take on a very old story retold many times over in many different formats. For a change, the character is played by a…

Aloo Matar and a sweet tooth

Have you ever visited the blog ‘Go bake yourself‘? Chances are you have. Hence you possibly know Uru, the force behind that crazy amazing blog is the ‘sweetest’ girl in our blogosphere.You don’t? No way. You HAVE to check her…

Going Vegan from vegetarian

Butternut squash

We always have a hard time on Saturdays. reason being, it’s a vegetarian day. Belonging to the hardcore non-vegetarian foodies that I live with, thinking what to cook on vegetarian days freaks me out.Often times, I find myself planning way,…