Category: Leisure Pockets

Home is not always work. That’s the main reason why I have this website. This corner is to discuss the myraids of ways that we can and do spend the ‘my time’.

Marble House, Newport RI

Marble House Newport

  The imposing, magnificent mansions of Newport Beach are a sight to behold. Built in 1800s, most of them are a testament to the power of new money that symbolized the rise of United States of America and its new…

Happy New Year!!!!

It’s snowing. Beautiful white puffed up flurries all over the place. It looks pristine, white, gorgeous. May this New Year bring prosperity, happiness and love all around. May this year wash away the unpleasant and bring in the beautiful for…

A dislocated ride and Homemade fries

     Twenty minutes into the Water Park, my husband dislocated his shoulder. Rewind. Charlie’s swim lesson adventures from her blog Hotly Spiced made me revisit an incident that happened when my younger son was about 3 years old. He…