Category: 30 Minute nutritous meals

Quick satisfying meals that delight the tastebuds without taking your entire day in the kitchen.

Banjo with Egglands eggs

    As an adult, some of us are fortunate enough to be able to buy whatever we need – the necessities and some luxuries – for a happy existence, and I have truly been blessed in that regard. Still,…

Frozen Banana Shake

  As I got up today morning, a feeling of lethargy crept in. It’s morning of the weekend, and Fridays always come with some anticipation of relaxation.     Yet relaxation is possibly the only activity that doesn’t fit into…

Mango mint sweet and tangy

Yard work is hard work, and not necessarily a pleasant one, unless you like pulling out weeds and stepping on mushy soil and who-knows-what-else while cleaning it all up. The result is infinitely satisfying, but the journey is one of…

The ‘blast’ that almost happened

Every word that you are going to read below is true, nothing added, nothing subtracted. When Ma called me on Monday afternoon US time (Monday night in India), she was literally shaking. She had discovered oil on the floor, right near the…