My 50th Post !!! Celebrate with some Nutella love :)




Don’t we all have those small landmarks that mean most to us, though they might not mean much or anything at all to most people out there?

Like when you managed to shave five pounds from your scale. Hurray!

Your son brought in a report card that has one A+ more than the last one. Yay!

You managed to save for  tickets for that show you have been wanting to see for years. Yes!

You finally got a shoe repair man to save your MOST favorite pair of shoes from getting thrown in the bin. Ecstasy!

The project you have been slogging on glides through to success. Fanta!

Finally found the color blue in a dress you have been looking for ever since your graduation year. Yipee!

You found a crazily awesome alternative for your allergy free cake. Joy!

You found a restroom – just in NICK of time. Relief! ;p

Got to the 50th post in your very young blog. Like me. Yeah!

50th post


In fact, I would not have realized it, save for the fact that WP gives a post count for published articles, and I noticed I had 49. I almost fell off the chair. OK, so I exaggerated, but just a little.

To add to this excitement, I am also thrilled to announce another Award, bestowed on me by the phenomenally lovely blogger Stephanie at – The Awesome Blogger Award.

I am on the moon. Thank you, thank you, thank you Stephanie!

What better way to celebrate than something sweet? That too Nutella sweet.

With boys at home, snacking is a big time favorite all around. This one does not take much imagination. Just some frozen bananas, some vanilla ice cream,  crumbly butter biscuits (optional) and Nutella.

Nutella and banana


5.0 from 3 reviews
Nutella Banana split
Recipe type: Dessert
Serves one 52" tall starry-eyed Nutella lover with no left over for his brother.
  • 1 cup vanilla ice cream
  • 2 tbsp softened Nutella
  • ½ cup Frozen banana
  • Crumbled Unsalted butter biscuits
  1. Slice frozen bananas
  2. Roll them in crumbled butter biscuits
  3. Soften the ice cream with a fork.
  4. Soften Nutella in a microwave for 30 seconds (adjust according to the power of the microwave and consistency. It should be liquid enough to pour.)
  5. In a glass, lay the banana pieces
  6. Add half of Nutella
  7. Add ice cream
  8. Top it with some more Nutella.
  9. Serve immediately.


Time to pass on the Awesome Blogger Award (LOVE this part, don’t you!) I take this opportunity to pass on the award to these absolutely awesome bloggers. I learn something new every time I visit each of them.

mama making changes


bobbis kozykitchen

Once a Mom always a cook

Mommy made from scratch

Congratulations my lovely fellow bloggers! Here are the rules:

  1. Thank your nominator (and link back!)
  2. Nominate 5 other blogs, with less than 200 followers and post a comment on each blog letting them know they have been given the award.
  3. Copy and paste the award onto your blog.

PS: I didn’t follow the rules that strictly, just so that you know…:D I nominated all of you because I really think you are awesome.
Thank you one more time Stephanie, you rock!





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