I am a Food Stories Nominee For Excellence in Storytelling!!!!!

Excellence awardIt has been exactly 21 days that I posted my first post as thelady8home. I didn’t really think anyone would take it seriously, let alone read or follow it. Imagine my shock, surprise and delight when a terrific fellow blogger CJ at FoodStories Blog nominated me for an Award for Excellence in Storytelling! WOW!

As per the award requirement, I need to share one quirky fact about myself. That quirky little tit bit is that I am just 20 something days old at blogging. In fact, I am not only new to blogging, but I am also new to the blogging world itself. Oh! I have been around the internet for years and years, and have been a part of the phenomenal Development Team of a very big Indian social networking platform which, as of today, has more than 5 million unique visitors (it was a mere 1000 when I joined).Over the years I have followed a couple of blogs that belonged to a few close friends, but it was more a private thing.

But I had winded down considerably over the past few years. You can say I never tried to venture out of my Facebook comfort. The last month and a half has been an eyeopener.I am discovering that people pen beautiful thoughts, they think, they dream, they fight for little and big injustices around them, they share sweet and syrupy stories, and then make you feel very tall by really being kind to your about average efforts. More importantly, they love to share and they care. Within this short magical period, I have learnt so much, and yet I know it’s not even a minuscule of what is actually out there.

A big shout out Thank You to CJ for bestowing me with this honor. Not only I am now a part of an exalted list of super talented bloggers, I also get to nominate 5 of my own favorite bloggers who I think are excellent in sharing food stories!

My five nominees are:


Why I love her: She cooks only fish. But each fish recipe is yummier than the last. Stylish, innovative and immensely creative, this blogger won over my fish loving taste buds with one clean swipe. Sonali’s blog is now one of my fav stops in the foodie blog world.


Why I love her: Stacey tells funny and sweet stories, and I love the way she weaves food into them. She also sounds very next door, and I adore that.


Why I love her: Maureen’s recipes are to die for – they are exactly what she says – orgasmic. And boy o boy! Is she stylish! I have gleaned tons and tons and tons of information from her blog. My one-shop-stop for inspiration.


Why I love her: Kristy needs no reference, and she definitely needs no awards to recognise her work, it speaks for itself. But I follow her blog diligently, and lap everything up that falls from her plate, literally!


Why I love her: She makes all those Bengali recipes look so darned easy and tempting. I am from State of Bengal – India, and often get nostalgic about the food that I ate growing up.Sandeepa’s blog brings back memories of my Ma’s cooking.

I have discovered a few more since, and I wish I could nominate all of them here. My dear nominees, do head over to CJ’s Foodstories award page  here  and follow the guielines to complete the nomination. Good luck!

Last but not the least, I adore CJ’s Foodstories blog. One very interesting thing that I learned was that everyday, it’s a National Food Celebration day! Today it’s National Taffy day. To learn more, check out CJ’s foodstoriesblog.com

Wish me luck!




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