My First Blogging Award

Less than two months into blogging, I have been nominated twice and now been awarded…… AWARDED (gasp!) an award.

*Trumpet blows*


Versatile Blogger Award

It proves two, no three things.

a) I am doing something right.

b) Someone is actually reading all the nonsense I write.

c) I have some terrific friends. (OK, the award doesn’t prove that, but heck, who cares! I DO have terrific lovely awesome loyal majestic friends).

Who would have thought!

Who awarded it to me?

Well, she is no ordinary blogger. She spins tales of chocolates and makes everyone dance on her caramel coated little finger. She has thousands of fan following, graces the judging panel of Food Stories Award. Lindt Chocolates favor her most partially. Her name is Chocolate Chip Uru, and her blog is one of the most engaging blog you would ever come across. Forget chocolates, forget cream and sugar. Her writing skill alone is enough to give you a sugary high for life.

Meet Go Bake Yourself’s author Chocolate Chip Uru – the sweet genius. Thank you Uru for bestowing the honor on me.

Now comes the fun part: I need to brag about myself . And I need to do it in 7 sentences. I could have done with 20, but well, the humble me is OK with just 7 for now.

1) I am a tough cookie, and don’t shed tears easily. But, but, but…I bawl at every pathetic scene in a movie, even those I have watched 15 times. Especially those.

2) I am petrified of movable ladders of any kind. Even small ones.

3) Big large massive dogs I adore, and can handle all kinds of slobbering. I can train them to sit, stand, lie and go hide in a corner when I am mad. So give me Rottweilers and Akitas and Germans anytime. However, I am terrified of Chihuahuas.

4) When I was 10, I auditioned for a part in ‘Sleeping Beauty’ in a local play group . I wanted to be the beauty who gets awakened by her prince. Even the evil fairy would have done. I was given a part of a group dancer with 20 other kids instead, who had about 30 seconds of collective stage time. I was depressed for next six months after that. I have my own prince now to rouse the sleeping beauty in me everyday 😀

5)  When I was 3 or 4, I shared my lunch plate with my Nana’s dog Lucky everyday. And they let me. With my Ma in the hospital and Pa away at work overseas, it seems that was the only way they could get me to eat.

6) I call cookies biscuits and I love eating them dipped in tea or milk. They are best when they are soaked to the point of falling apart.

7) I deliberately weed out negative people from my life, prune whiners aggressively, and nurture positive people with utmost care.

Over to the BEST part of the award. I get to bestow this award to 15 terrific bloggers. Yay!

1) Orgasmic Chef: Maureen

2) Not Quite Nigella: Lorraine

2) Crunchy Creamy Sweet: Anna

4) Foodstories Blog: CJ

5) Whatever I have said or sung: Antara

6) Coffee and Crumpets: Nazneen

7) Only Fish Recipes: Shalini

8) From Valeries’s Kitchen: Valerie

9) Five Euro Foods: Charles

10) Eating on a Dime: Chenea

11) It’s just not just about recipes: Stephanie

12) Snack Girl: Lisa

13) Blogging with Amy: Amy Lynn Andrews

14) Cosmopolitancurrymania: Purabi

15) Mommy Made from scratch: Heidi

My dear winners, the rules of the award are:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you
  2. Include the links to their blogs
  3. Include the award image in your post
  4. Copy the award image to your site
  5. Give seven random facts about yourself
  6. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award
  7. When nominating other bloggers include the links to their sites
  8. Let those bloggers know they’ve been nominated :)

Until next post, Ciao!





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